What I’ve Been Eating This Week

I decided to expand my typical What I Eat In A Day into a What I’ve Been Eating This Week. Mostly because I just kept forgetting to take photos of my food, so I thought I’d just combine all the ones I did remember to take and put it into one post.

This past week, I started my senior year of college! I’m trying to get back into a routine and get better at packing food/snacks to take to campus to eat throughout the day. So now, onto the food!

On Saturday, my mom was in town visiting and we went to Mellow Mushroom for dinner. Did you know they have a vegan menu?!? Pretty awesome! We shared a vegan pizza that was incredible!


This past week I’ve also had a cold, so I’ve been drinking lots of teas. One thing I’ve been drinking is this herbal zap that I got at Earth Fare. It’s pretty inexpensive and tastes really good. It has a bunch of different herbs and immune supplements, so I’ve been drinking lots of that.


I’ve been drinking lots of green tea as well. Instead of hot tea, I’ve been cold brewing it. You simply put some tea bags into a glass with some water and let it sit in the refrigerator overnight. It’s really refreshing!


On Monday, a local vegan club I am apart of hosted a vegan dinner at an Indian restaurant in town called Mint. The chefs there made us all a delicious 5 course entirely vegan Indian dinner and it was delicious! I was only able to snap a photo of the main course, which was served family-style. To be honest, I’m not sure what everything was called but it was all so yummy!


On Tuesday and Thursday, I have class most of the day so I packed some lunches and snacks to eat throughout the day. I’ve been finding that wraps are super easy to pack and eat for lunches. Also, carrots and hummus are always good for snacks as well.


While reading, or working on different things I’ve been doing lots of snacking. Clif bars and dates have saved my life this week! Such a quick and easy snack to grab and eat while doing work.

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For dinners, I’ve been keeping it super simple. One of my typical dinners is just a simple bed of rice, potatoes, broccoli, onions, and peppers with curry simmer sauce and avocado. I eat this way too much but it’s just so yummy and all the ingredients are really inexpensive and tend to last a while. If you know me, you know how much I love The Office so I’ve been watching a ton of it this week while eating dinner. Perfect way to end a long stressful day!



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